
by Thatapplefreak twitter icon github icon
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Integration with vanilla screenshots, allowing you to take screenshots normally with F2. In-game screenshot manager with GUI, and the ability to take HUGE screenshots like back in early Beta.


  • Screenshot Manager - Never have to navigate outside of Minecraft again! The in game manager will show you your photos and allow you to manage them
  • Post your Screenshots to your favorite image sharing sites - The screenshot manager comes with a built in GUI to post to Reddit, Twitter, Imgur, Google Drive, and Dropbox with more like Facebook and Minepix on the way
  • Huge Screenshots - Back in early beta Minecraft had a feature that would allow the user to take screenshots that were absolutely huge. I have brought it back with a secret weapon that allows for low-end computers to take IMAX images


This mod is also available as part of The VoxelModPack.

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The VoxelModPack

supported minecraft versions

1.7.10 1.7.2 1.6.4 1.6.2


Screenshot Screenshot



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