Taciturn Mod

by ChemicalStudios twitter icon github icon
taciturn mod thumbnail


The Taciturn mod gives you the ability to mute/unmute anyone you want to on any multiplayer server, or singleplayer LAN server. Taciturn also automatically blocks repeated messages in chat, so you won't have to worry about spam as much.Taciturn was made to simply and easily make your Minecraft experience more enjoyable!

Minecraft Forum Icon
Minecraft Forum

supported minecraft versions

1.7.10beta 1.7.2




No videos available


related mods


by dags_
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A highly customisable flymod which includes 3 diffent flight modes, 2 adjustable speeds and fine-tunable settings like momentum and strafe-rate. Also includes sprint-mod, allowing you to run and jump around like a maniac, and FullBright, a gamma boost that lights up even the darkest of places.A highly customisable flymod which includes 3 diffent flight modes, 2 adjustable speeds and fine-tunable settings like momentum and strafe-rate. Also includes sprint-mod, allowing you to run and jump around like a maniac, and FullBright, a gamma boost that lights up even the darkest of places.

Link Info

by Killjoy1221
link info thumbnail
With this mod, you will be able to click on a link in chat and be shown the title of the webpage. If it's a YouTube video, the title, length, uploader, rating, number of comments, and thumbnail will also be shown. If it's an image, there will be a button to show it on screen.With this mod, you will be able to click on a link in chat and be shown the title of the webpage. If it's a YouTube video, the title, length, uploader, rating, number of comments, and thumbnail will also be shown. If it's an image, there will be a button to show it on screen.


by Tweakcraft.net
villagemarkermod thumbnail
This mod visualises the village information from VillageMarkerMod for Spigot.This mod visualises the village information from VillageMarkerMod for Spigot.
I got nothing