TabbyChat 2

by Killjoy1221 twitter icon github icon (RocketMan10404)
tabbychat 2 thumbnail


TabbyChat is a client-side mod for Minecraft that aims to make the multiplayer chat interface more organized, managable, and user-friendly. The primary feature of TabbyChat is to organize chat messages into different channels, and to represent those channels via tab-like buttons displayed above the chat interface


  • Organize chat messages into different channels, and to represent those channels via tab-like buttons displayed above the chat interface
  • Auto-searching for new chat channels or PM messages
  • Selecting the appropriate Chat-Channel delimiters and manually creating the desired tabs
  • Using custom filters to direct messages matching the desired expression to a specific tab
  • Custom chat message filters
  • Unread Message Notifications
  • Timestamps prepended to chat messages
  • Log all chat to logfile with timestamps
  • Spell-checking
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Curse Mods
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Legacy Version

supported minecraft versions

1.12.1beta 1.12 1.11.2 1.11 1.10.2 1.9.4 1.8.9 More…


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Link Info

by Killjoy1221
link info thumbnail
With this mod, you will be able to click on a link in chat and be shown the title of the webpage. If it's a YouTube video, the title, length, uploader, rating, number of comments, and thumbnail will also be shown. If it's an image, there will be a button to show it on screen.With this mod, you will be able to click on a link in chat and be shown the title of the webpage. If it's a YouTube video, the title, length, uploader, rating, number of comments, and thumbnail will also be shown. If it's an image, there will be a button to show it on screen.


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